Legal Notice


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Each individual document published by North-South Consulting on the World Wide Web may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information relating to that individual document. By accessing those documents, you also agree not to remove or alter such notices or information.

Website Disclaimer

North-South Consulting has endeavored to comply with all known legal and ethical requirements in compiling this website. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only as a service to the public.
The information contained in this website may or may not reflect the most current developments; accordingly, information on this website is not promised or guaranteed to be correct or complete, and should not be considered an indication of future results. North-South Consulting expressly disclaims all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all the contents of this website.
As advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for advice. The materials on this Website do not constitute advice, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of North-South Consulting or any of its clients.
This website is not intended to create, and does not create, client relationship between you and North-South Consulting, and you should not act or rely on any information in this website. Thus, your receipt or transmission of information to or from the North-South Consulting website alone does not create a client relationship or ensure confidentiality. Because of the possibility of conflicts of interest, you agree to waive any claim of confidentiality for information submitted via this site. Moreover, because of limitations in the security features of the Internet, information sent to/from this site may be intercepted by third parties, and you agree not to hold North-South Consulting responsible for any such interception.
North-South Consulting is providing this site, the information, listings, and links contained herein only as a convenience to you. Sites listed as hypertext links herein are not under the control of North-South Consulting. The North-South Consulting website does not incorporate any materials appearing in such linked sites by reference. North-South Consulting can make no representation concerning the quality, safety or suitability of the content of these sites nor can the fact that Kenyon has included any such link serve as an endorsement or approval by North-South Consulting of any of those sites.
North-South Consulting assumes no liability for the use or interpretation of information contained herein. This publication is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.

Newsletter Disclaimer

North-South Consulting has provided articles in this electronic newsletter (“e-newsletter”) for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice and should not be used as such.
Your use of this e-newsletter, and it’s possible direct linking to the North-South Consulting Web site, does not create a client relationship between North-South Consulting and you. You cannot rely on the materials contained here or upon the transmission of any electronic mail message to North-South Consulting to create a client relationship.
Some links within this e-newsletter, or within the North-South Consulting Web site, may lead to other sites owned and operated by third parties. North-South Consulting is not responsible for their content and does not necessarily sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of the materials appearing in such sites. In addition, linked sites may be subject to terms of use and/or privacy policies of their owner/operators, and anyone who uses such a link is responsible for checking what those terms/policies are for themselves. Furthermore, the opinions expressed in materials transmitted from this e-newsletter or the North-South Consulting Web site are the opinions of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions North-South Consulting or any of its partners or employees.

Privacy Statement

North-South Consulting is committed to protecting your privacy. When you use this website, you consent to the use of your personal information by North-South Consulting in the manner specified in this Privacy Policy. This policy may change periodically. (For your information, the date of the last update to this Privacy Policy is January 2006.)
North-South Consulting will not collect any personal information from you unless you voluntarily choose to submit or otherwise disclose such information to us, including information submitted or disclosed by mail, telephone, fax, or electronically. We will not sell, trade, or rent your personally identifiable information to third parties. North-South Consulting will only use your information to respond to your request for information or, if applicable, to consider your request for employment with North-South Consulting.
North-South Consulting has no obligation to monitor the website or the use of the website, or to retain the content of any user session. However, North-South Consulting reserves the right at all times to monitor, review, retain, and/or disclose any information, including IP addresses, as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or government request, or to cooperate with law enforcement and other authorities in investigating a claim of illegal activity. We also may use IP addresses to identify a user when we feel it is necessary to protect our service, website, customers, or others.
Except as otherwise expressly discussed in this Privacy Policy, this policy only extends to North-South Consulting’s use and disclosure of information we collect from you. To the extent that you disclose personal information to other websites, you are subject to the privacy policies of these other sites.
As no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure, North-South Consulting cannot ensure the security of any information (including personal, confidential or privileged information) you transmit to us or any information provided online, and you do so at your own risk. North-South Consulting will not be liable for disclosures of your personal information due to errors in transmission or unauthorized acts of third parties. However, once we receive your transmission, we do our best to ensure its security on our systems by making reasonable efforts to protect the information.


We are committed to serving our clients. We will endeavor to review feedback and seek to improve our services to meet your needs. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this website, or your experience with the website, or would like to provide


Copyright 2005 North-South Consulting. LEGAL NOTICE All rights reserved.