We, at North-South Consulting, plan and implement international trade and investment strategies.  We have an extensive and diverse international network, as well as a rich menu of international resources available to us.  Our experience in the development of trade and foreign investment strategic plans throughout Latin America and the U.S. is capped off by our ability to implement those strategies.

We will help your business prosper by acting on international opportunities while limiting your risks.  We will provide international expertise, as well as local knowledge, and will focus on growing market niches (i.e., the U.S. Hispanic population).

Points of Focus:

                                  * Management Consulting & Partner Selection

                                  * Communication Strategy

                                  * Inter-Cultural Relations

                                  * Corporate Finance Advisory

North-South Consulting provides its clients with the on-the-ground expertise necessary to conduct business abroad.  We offer an experienced team of consultants, branch offices in Latin America, and an extensive network of contacts in the public and private sector.

We can help you walk through the regulatory maze: Our business and government contacts can assist in reducing the time it takes to bring the product/service to market, and can reduce/eliminate the potential legal risks often present when attempting to negotiate this path on your own.   

We can help you obtain the financing you need: We have access to financing vehicles in the United States and Latin America. We will offer you our expertise to assist you in deciding where best to look for financing for specific cases.

We speak your language: We have the multilingual written and oral language skills to successfully plan and implement your business strategy in Latin America. Our linguistic experts will not only translate from one language to the other, they will adapt the message to the specific culture being approached.

Some of our on the ground resources are:

  • Customs experts
  • Customs brokers
  • Trade lawyers
  • International lawyers
  • Accountants
  • Linguists experts
  • Political experts
  • Labor experts
  • Marketing specialists
  •  Macroeconomists
  • Financial specialists
  • Management specialists
  • International business experts
  • M&A Specialists
  • Investment Bankers

Whether you are looking for an assessment as a tool to make a decision, or somebody to offer a route plan, or a local partner to help you actively through the process, we can help you.

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