I don't want any yes-men around me.

I want everybody to tell me the truth,

even if it costs them their jobs.
(Samuel Goldwyn)


The young man was desperate for money and so on his holidays he decided to take a job in a local factory. "Now," said the foreman, "your first job is to sweep the floor."
"But I've got a BA degree," said the young man, " and I'm currently studying for a MBA."
"Oh," said the foreman. "In that case I'd better show you how to hold the broom."


Our eyes are on the US Hispanic-centered advertising industry. Over 40 million strong, US Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of the largest economy in the world. They spend over USD600B annually, with a GDP equivalent to the GDP of Spain.

Everybody talks now about international outsourcing, but how can a small / medium sized company take advantage of it? How can a company with no international experience and limited resources access the global marketplace to reduce its costs?


Cachamai Teas - Lifan - North-South Consulting - Wal-Mart - Panama - Lasercard - Cementos Argos - Uniban - CEMEX - Grupo Cementos Chihuahua - VIACK - Placer Dome - Expensive high class beer - Gold


Facundo Garretón CEO – President; was founded in may 2000 as the first Internet site dedicated to online trading in Argentina. Nowadays, as a profitable company it offers financial information, advice and the opportunity to transact on a number of financial markets. It is the number one broker dealer of Argentina in number of monthly transactions, and it has operations in several countries of Latin America. Those factors make it the ideal medium to invest in Latin American Stock Markets.